فایل کامل و عالی تأثیر نانو بر عملکرد خصوصیات لاشه و برخی از پارامترهای خونی جوجه های گوشتی
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فایل کامل و عالی تأثیر نانو بر عملکرد خصوصیات لاشه و برخی از پارامترهای خونی جوجه های گوشتی دارای ۲۱۲ صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات و فهرست کامل در PDF می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است
فایل پی دی اف فایل کامل و عالی تأثیر نانو بر عملکرد خصوصیات لاشه و برخی از پارامترهای خونی جوجه های گوشتی کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.
Effect of Nanosil on the performance, carcass characteristics and some blood parameters of broiler chicks fed on
pelleted and mash diet
Seyyed Mohsen Hashemi1, Mohammad Amiri Andi2, Farhad Ahmadi2
۱MSc. Student, Department of Animal Science, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
۲Department of Animal Science, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
The purpose of this research was to study the effect of the Nanosil disinfectant on the performance, carcass
characteristics and some blood parameters of broiler chicks fed on pelleted and mash diet. Total number of 160 one
day-old Ross-4 chicks (of both sexes) were tested using a factorial experiment 2 × 2 in a completely random plan with
۴ treatments and 4 replications within 42 days in pens of 1 × 1 diameter and with the density of 10 chicks per square
meter of bed. The diet included pelleted feed with Nanosil and without Nanosil as the experiment control and similarly
mash feed with Nanosiland without Nanosil again as the control. 2 liters of 2% Nanosil solution was diluted by adding
۹۸ liters of water and 10-20 liters of this diluted solution was sprayed on each ton of feed, then the feed was put into a
pelletizer machine and was used after being pelleted and bagged. Also, the amount of silver salt was 500 ml per cc of
solution, hydrogen peroxide 50% of solution and the rest consisted of water.
Blood sampling from male chicks of each replication was done on 21 and 42 days of growth. The surveyed blood
factors consisted of Glucose and liver enzymes SGOT, SGPT, ALKP. At the end of the stage, 64 chicks(two males and
two females from each replication) were chosen at random and slaughtered; then the weight of the carcass, live, thigh,
breast, wing, liver, bursa and abdominal fat were measured. The use of the Nanosil disinfectant did not have a
significant effect on the performance of broiler chicks during the growth period (P>0.05). Compared to the Nanosilfree
feeds, the use of Nanosil containing feeds during the growth period had a significant influence on the average
weight of liver, spleen and bursa (P<0/05). Moreover using the Nanosil containing feed in the 21 day of the growth
compared to Nanosil-free feeds caused a significant difference in the Alkaline Phosphatase enzyme levels in blood
serum, which was of statistical importance (P<0/05). The use of pelleted feed rather than mash feeds in the 0-42 and
۲۲-۴۲ days of growth period had a statistically significant influence on the average feed intake of these two periods
Similarly the pelleted feed has had a significant effect on carcass composition (the live weight, carcass, breast, thigh
and abdominal fat weight) compared to mash feed (P<0/05). Feeding chicks on pelleted feed compared to mash feed,
had a significant effect on the Alkaline Phosphatase enzyme levels in blood serum of 21-day chicks and Glucose levels
of 42-day chicks (P<0/05).
Compared to mash feeds with and without Nanosil, the use of Nanosil containing pelleted feeds in the growth period
had a considerable influence on the average daily weight gain, daily feed intake, weight of 0-42 and 22-42 days of
growth period, the average daily feed intake of growth period, feed conversion ratio in two periods of 0-22 and 22-42
days of growth (P<0/05). Compared to pelleted feeds with and without Nanosil, feeding chicks on mash feeds with and
without Nanosil had a great influence on the increase of the average feed conversion ratio in the 6th week of growth
period (P<0/05 ). Using Nanosil containing mash feed in broiler chicks feeding brought about a statistically important
increase in the average carcass weight (compared to live weight) and average breast weight (compared to live weight)
in comparison to other groups (P<0/05).
Keywords: Nanosil, broilers, performance, carcass efficiency and blood parameters
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