فایل کامل و عالی بررسی اندازه گیری میزان پیشرفت فیزیکی پروژه خط لوله انتقال اتیلن با رویکرد فازی
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فایل کامل و عالی بررسی اندازه گیری میزان پیشرفت فیزیکی پروژه خط لوله انتقال اتیلن با رویکرد فازی دارای ۱۶۴ صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات و فهرست کامل در PDF می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است
فایل پی دی اف فایل کامل و عالی بررسی اندازه گیری میزان پیشرفت فیزیکی پروژه خط لوله انتقال اتیلن با رویکرد فازی کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.
Today s the knowledge of project progress rate is the project manager”s challenges, in
the way that while presenting reports the thorough knowledge of project progress
actual rate is a vital matter. One of the crucial matters in project progress
measurement is assigning the weight of any activity in all projects. There are
different criteria in assigning activities weight , but in most of these projects there is
just two factors, time and cost, and this lead to this, that calculated percent of
progress be far from reality. So it is necessary to present a way in which the
measurement project progress rate be more near to reality. Our purpose in this article
is calculating project progress with a comprehensive look and with keeping all
progress effective criteria in mind, to satisfy project”s management by presenting real
data. In presented algorithm for all four phases, theoretical, plan and planning,
performing and completing, we recognize indexes that can be used in calculating the
weight of every activities and in whole project, then calculate the weight of any
activity of all project and finally the real progress rate of all project using Fuzzy
Multiple criteria decision making models. Also in explaining presented model, we
show practical project that use this way to estimate project progress rate.
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