فایل کامل و عالی بررسی مشتری مداری بر اساس مدل سروکوئال در شهرداری ها
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فایل کامل و عالی بررسی مشتری مداری بر اساس مدل سروکوئال در شهرداری ها دارای ۲۰۷ صفحه می باشد و دارای تنظیمات و فهرست کامل در PDF می باشد و آماده پرینت یا چاپ است
فایل پی دی اف فایل کامل و عالی بررسی مشتری مداری بر اساس مدل سروکوئال در شهرداری ها کاملا فرمت بندی و تنظیم شده در استاندارد دانشگاه و مراکز دولتی می باشد.
ارزیابی مشتری مداری بر اساس مدل سروکوئال در شهرداری های استان مازندران
By virtue the significance of customer oriented, The objective of he
present study is to investigate the extent of customer oriented in
municipalities of mazandaran. by using a famous conceptual
model which is called “servequal”. This is one model with five
dimensions for evaluating the quality of services indexes of
customer oriented such as: respondancy, reliability, sympathy
with customer, tangible services & assurance of
services.Meanwhile, after having general review on the related
literature study according to the method of library & survey
research for gathering data & information, some tools such as
documents & especially questionnaires were used.
In the present research, the statistical samples & community were
recorded 700 & 248, respectively.
Meanwhile for investigation sample’s view, the factorial analysis
was used. The Pearson correlation was used for investigating the
effective factors on the extent of customer oriented.
Then, the regression analysis was used for analyzing the relation
between these variables.
All findings indicate that there is a meaningful difference between
the above-mentioned five dimensions & the extent of customer
oriented from the municipalities performance.
In another words, the performance of municipalities is not
satisfactory. The findings indicate that there is a gap between the
customer expectations & their satisfaction from municipalities
Finally, after presenting detailed results & findings, all abovementioned
cases were collected, discussed & compared.
Meanwhile, the applied recommendations & the related
suggestions have been presented for following the similar
researches in near future.
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